Sunday, 9 January 2011

A taste of things to come

Before embarking on our big adventure, we could not resist the call of the powder.  So, the New Year saw us heading for Switzerland for a week in the snow.  Despite going to a resort we have both been to many times before in a country where we have at least a passing familiarity with the language, this did not seem to smooth the path to a trouble-free week. This does not bode well for the months ahead.  A catalogue of incidents ensued, involving bananas, chair lifts, car parks, stretchers, supermarkets and a car seemingly more suited to balmy Mediterranean climes than the frozen Alpine winter.
We are both skiers scoring strongly on enthusiasm rather than expertise and showy technique - we leave advanced skills such as the ability to stop to our European brethren. Given that previous skiing holidays have resorted in broken wrists and mangled knees, perhaps it wasn't so bad - and the scenery was stunning.

It is now nine days until we leave for Rio and the excitement in the Ryder house is at fever pitch. We are no more organised but at least the first few days accommodation are booked.  We have sold our beloved car so are now travelling everywhere by bike, which is a risk in itself for the clumsy female half of the Ryder twosome.  Remaining tasks for our last few days on UK soil include sprucing up the house, raiding M&S for a 180 day supply of pants (in Julian's case three pairs should cover 'it') and crash dieting and an all over body wax in preparation for Copacabana beach.....  We will also be saying our goodbyes to friends and family over the coming days but hope you will all keep in touch while we are away, and of course follow the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Cath and Julian! We can't wait to hear all about your big adventure. A week's ski-ing in Switzerland is more adventurous than anything we ever do, so you're impressing us already! Love from Tish xxxx (P.S. Whenever you get a comment from "Laurence" it's going to be from Tish really - on behalf of all the Nunnys, of course!)
